Health Nut

I recently came across a new blog that I love! I try to eat very healthy and clean during the week (and give myself eating freedom on the weekends) and exercise a lot, so that is why I love the blog Peanut Butter Fingers.


The author Julie, who is a personal trainer and healthy-food-lover, dedicates this blog to giving readers new, healthy recipes and workout ideas. She documents something or multiple things she eats each day and her workout. This blog is perfect for someone who loves healthy food and exercising because she is very creative with both and is constantly coming up with new stuff.


Today, Julie blogged about her breakfast, which was an egg white and oatmeal protein pancake with a side of sliced pear. Since she had already made one before and featured it on her blog, she linked to the recipe. She always includes a recipe for every meal she blogs about.

I love hearing about ways to make healthy food delicious and enjoyable. This is something Julie really focuses on.


In the same post today, Julie included the workout she did. I love that she details exactly what she does herself during her workouts. If I am going to follow a personal trainer, I want to know how she eats and how she works out, not just random recipes and workouts she finds somewhere.


Bachelorette party


Dog Sadie


Husband Ryan

Another thing I like about this blog is that she details her life outside of eating healthy and exercising. Obviously no one’s entire life consists of just doing these two things.

P.S. Julie’s definition of peanut butter fingers: “Take your finger, dip it in the peanut butter jar and voila! Peanut butter fingers. So simple, yet so, so delicious.” Yum!

Pinning is my Interest

While this my not exactly be considered a blog, it sort of acts like one. In fact, most of the content comes from blogs. And I absolutely love it and am on it quite a lot. Let me introduce you to Pinterest.


The way Pinterest describes itself is “a tool for collecting and organizing things you love.” For a better description, it’s a pinboard-style photo-sharing website that allows users to create and manage theme-based image collections such as events, interests, and hobbies. Users can browse other users’ pinboards for images, “re-pin” images to their own pinboards, or “like” photos. If you double click on photos, almost all of them lead to a website.



For instance, if you double click on a picture of a shoe, a new page might open with the website for where that shoe is from. On other instances, images might bring you to the blog where the image was originally pinned from.

Pinterest also has an easy pin button. If you are on a webpage and see an image you like, you can click the pin button, which is located at the end of the web address slot. When you click the button, the images on the page you are on pop up and you can choose the image you would like to put on your Pinterest page.

pin button

Pin Button

For me (and I know for many others), Pinterest inspires me. I get inspiration for clothing ideas, decoration ideas, food and recipes, weddings, pretty much everything. And I find things that I’ve never seen before. There are so many great recipes and DIY projects for anything and everything. I could, and do, spend hours on Pinterest.

Merry pinning!


Today, I am revisiting a blog I posted about months ago and for good reason. This week marks the first week of my last semester of college, so I thought it would be appropriate to revisit one of my favorite blogs: The College Prepster.

The College Prepster TCP

Even though the author Carly graduated college last May, she still blogs about college-related things. Just recently, Carly posted about study tips and back to school clothes. While I love looking at her blog for other reasons, I think it’s great she still sticks to the roots of her blog and writes on topics that many of her readers relate to.

She has a list of INTENSE STUDY TIPS, a lot of organizing tips to keep you focused on studying and so you don’t forget dates or deadlines, and a list of Apps that are helpful for school.

Since Carly graduated over a year ago and has had a job working in NYC for exactly one year, she does not post much about college or give school advice as much. However, I love the things she posts about. She’s been talking a lot more about fashion and clothing and about what she does in NYC.

Carly posts a lot about work, which is great for me since I am hoping to have a job come December after I graduate. She gives advice on stuff ranging from what Shoes to wear for interviews and jobs to a list of apps that show all How to Feel Like an Adult.

I definitely see myself using the advice she gives (and she gives a lot on all sorts of topics) in my future.